Tasks.md - Self-Hosted Markdown Based Task Manager

Stupid simple self-hosted task management.

Tasks.md - Self-Hosted Markdown Based Task Manager

I'm completely honest when I say that organization just doesn't come naturally to me. Notes are scattered all over the place, reminders are stuck to random surfaces, and my calendars feel like wishful thinking rather than actual planning tools. It's as if my brain is a black hole for tasks and deadlines and anything that goes in seems to get sucked down and never makes it back out again! And let's be real, cloud-based solutions can be intimidating too. I get that they're supposed to make life easier, but I'm just not comfortable entrusting my entire life to some company's servers. So, what I really need is a self-hosted solution that lets me get organized (or at least pretend to!). And that's exactly what Tasks.md is, the perfect antidote to my organizational chaos!

What is Tasks.md

Tasks.md is a self-hosted, Markdown file-based task management board.

Tasks.md Core Features

Design & Interface

  • Craft your task management system with ease using our modern, responsive interface that adapts to any device as a PWA.
  • Create cards, lanes, and tags to organize your tasks in a way that suits your workflow

Content Creation

  • Write tasks as Markdown files for a seamless and enjoyable experience
  • Take advantage of the power of Markdown to add rich formatting and style to your task descriptions

Installation & Customization

  • Get started quickly with our easy-to-install single Docker image
  • Personalize your experience with light or dark themes that sync with your operating system settings
  • Choose from three default color themes (Adwaita, Nord, and Catppuccin) to match your unique style

Flexibility & Integration

  • Seamlessly integrate Tasks.md into your existing workflow using subpath-based reverse-proxy support with an environment variable for base path

Install Tasks.md using Docker

To install Tasks.md on your server, use this Docker Compose stack, which makes the process easy to follow. If you're new to self-hosting, don't worry, we have guides available to help you get started with self-hosting. For information on the latest features and updates, refer to the Tasks.md releases.

version: "3"
    image: baldissaramatheus/tasks.md
    container_name: tasks.md
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - Title=Noted Tasks
      - /path/to/tasks:/tasks
      - /path/to/config:/config
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 3333:8080

Let's begin! Set up your task management system by adding lanes and cards. Organizing can be a enjoyable experience with Tasks.md.

Easily organize your tasks by dragging and dropping cards into different lanes. This simple feature makes task management a seamless experience.

Tasks.md offers an effortless approach to organization. Each lane you create serves as a corresponding directory on your filesystem, making it easy to navigate and manage. Additionally, each task is represented by a file, providing a clear and structured system for tracking and managing your tasks.

Final Notes and Thoughts

If you're looking for Kanban-style task management software, Tasks.md is an excellent choice. It offers a minimalist approach that even those new to task management can easily use. For those who prioritize simplicity, Tasks.md is a great option that gets the job done without overwhelming features. Give it a try and discover how simple it is to manage your tasks!

Swing by the Tasks.md GitHub repo and give it a star. If you have questions or would like to suggest new features, visit the issue tracker to get involved. Your feedback is important in helping to improve Tasks.md.