Proxmox and Proxmox Backup Server Dark Mode Theme

Want a dark mode for Proxmox and Proxmox Backup Server? Here's how you do it with one, simple command line script! 🖤

Proxmox and Proxmox Backup Server Dark Mode Theme

If you use Proxmox as your hypervisor of choice like I do, then you know the bright white theme can take a toll on your eyes if you spend a lot of time with Proxmox. However, today I am here to tell you there is a solution!

It's no secret PVEDiskordDark has been around for quite some time. In-fact, I made a video about it on Youtube nearly two years ago.

You can watch the video above which is still accurate today or simply try it yourself by using the scripts below for both Proxmox and Proxmox Backup Server.

Proxmox Dark Mode Theme

Using the following script in Proxmox shell to change the theme to dark.

bash <(curl -s ) install

You can uninstall the Proxmox dark theme using the same script replacing "install" with "uninstall" as follows.

bash <(curl -s ) uninstall

You can view more information on the PVEDiscordDark Github repo.

GitHub - Weilbyte/PVEDiscordDark: A Discord-like dark theme for the Proxmox Web UI.
A Discord-like dark theme for the Proxmox Web UI. Contribute to Weilbyte/PVEDiscordDark development by creating an account on GitHub.

Proxmox Backup Server Dark Mode Theme

Using the following script in Proxmox Backup Server shell to change the theme to dark.

bash <(curl -s ) install

You can uninstall Proxmox Backup Server dark theme using the same script replacing "install" with "uninstall" as follows.

bash <(curl -s ) uninstall

You can view more information on the PBSDiscordDark Github repo.

GitHub - Luckyvb/PBSDiscordDark: A Discord-like dark theme for the Proxmox backup Web UI.
A Discord-like dark theme for the Proxmox backup Web UI. - GitHub - Luckyvb/PBSDiscordDark: A Discord-like dark theme for the Proxmox backup Web UI.

Final Notes and Thoughts

Beggars can't be choosers right? For years, people have been asking for a default Proxmox dark theme and have been given the silent treatment. Proxmox is arguably the best hypervisor available free of charge unless you need enterprise options. So I won't complain if it does not have an official built in dark mode!

If you find either of these amazing scripts useful, be sure to star them on Github! Share your thoughts and feedback in the comments below!