HedgeDoc - A Collaborative Markdown and Note Taking App

Create and collaborate in Markdown using the Self Hosted HedgeDoc

HedgeDoc - A Collaborative Markdown and Note Taking App

What's a great self hosted markdown editor where you can collaborate on notes and share them? HedgeDoc!

What is HedgeDoc?

HedgeDoc (formerly known as CodiMD) is an open-source, web-based, self-hosted, collaborative markdown editor. You can use it to easily collaborate on notes, graphs and even presentations in real-time. All you need to do is to share your note-link to your co-workers and they’re ready to go.

HedgeDoc Core Features

These are the main, core features that make HedgeDoc so great!

  • Web-based
    You don’t need extra software. The editor runs in your browser.
  • Self-hosted
    Stay in control of your data. Keep it on your server.
  • Real-time collaboration
    Collaborate in real-time with friends, family and colleagues.
  • Presentation mode
    Use HedgeDoc to build and present slides in markdown. Powered by reveal.js!
  • Graphs & diagrams
    HedgeDoc supports many types of graphs, diagrams and embedded content.
  • Easy to use permission system
    Manage permissions of your notes with a simple drop-down selection.
  • Revisions
    Revisions keep track of changes to your notes and even let you revert to any older version.
  • Low system requirements
    HedgeDoc doesn’t need much resources. It even runs smooth on a Raspberry Pi!

Install HedgeDoc using Docker Compose

You can easily install and deploy HedgeDoc using this Docker Compose stack.

version: '3'
    image: postgres:13.4-alpine
      - POSTGRES_USER=Sc@ryP@ssw0rd
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=ThisB@byl0l
      - POSTGRES_DB=hedgedoc
      - /docker/hedgedoc/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    restart: always
    # Make sure to use the latest release from https://hedgedoc.org/latest-release
    image: quay.io/hedgedoc/hedgedoc:1.9.9
      - CMD_DB_URL=postgres://Sc@ryP@ssw0rd:ThisB@byl0l@database:5432/hedgedoc
      - CMD_DOMAIN=
      - CMD_URL_ADDPORT=true
      - CMD_PORT=3000
      - /docker/hedgedoc/uploads:/hedgedoc/public/uploads
      - "3000:3000"
    restart: always
      - database

You might have to change some volumes and the CMD_DOMAIN to your host IP or domain name. For more detailed installation instructions, please see the HedgeDoc documentation website.

You can then go to the server IP on port 3000 to create a user account and begin creating notes.

Sometimes I use HedgeDoc to mock-up posts for Noted. I can easily copy and paste the content over to Ghost when I am finished.

Out of the box, HedgeDoc supports Markdown with a built in WYSIWYG editor to boot! So if you don't know Markdown, you can use the editor to format your notes.

Run your own instance of HedgeDoc for as little as $1.4/Month with PikaPods! – Start free with $5 welcome credit 🤗

Final Notes and Thoughts

HedgeDoc can be used for simple notes to very complex notes, to-do lists, slideshows, presentations and more. HedgeDoc is a powerful tool for those looking for a note taking app that is easy to use but packs a ton of valuable features.

If you find HedgeDoc useful, be sure to give it a star on the HedgeDoc Github repo!